Contul Meu

Cosul meu

Cosul este gol




  1. Organizatorul

1.1. Organizatorul concursului - tombola  denumita Concurs Perspirex (denumita in continuare „Tombola”) este  HELP NET FARMA S.A. cu sediul in Bucuresti, str. Pictor Rosenthal, nr. 14, Et.2, Ap.3, Cam.2, Sector 1, adresa de corespondenta: Com. Balotesti,Sat Balotesti, Str. Malul Rosu, nr. 4, jud. Ilfov, inregistrata la Registrul Comertului sub nr.  J/40/7727/2001, cod unic de inregistrare fiscala RO 14169353, capital social subcris si varsat 100.000 lei, avand cont bancar RO24BACX0000000735046000 deschis la Unicredit Bank -  Sucursala Grigore Mora, telefon 021/308.25.00, fax 021/308.26.34, reprezentata legal prin D-nul Sebastian Ring – Director General si D-na Alina Maria Barcaru – Director Director Executiv IT (denumita in continuare „Organizatorul” sau “Help Net”).

1.2. Tombola este organizata in baza prezentului regulament oficial (denumit in continuare „Regulamentul Oficial”), intocmit in conformitate cu dispozitiile legale, cuprinse in Ordonanta Guvernului nr. 99/2000, astfel cum a fost modificata si completata, regulament care este obligatoriu pentru toti participantii.

1.3. Participarea la Tombola implica acceptarea de catre participanti a prevederilor prezentului Regulament Oficial precum si obligativitatea respectarii acestora. Prin participarea la prezenta Tombola, participantii vor fi considerati a-si fi insusit integral prevederile prezentului Regulament Oficial.


1.4. Regulamentul Oficial precum si detaliile tombolei sunt disponibile in mod gratuit in farmaciile Help Net si la adresa site-ului oficial al Organizatorului ( si pagina de Facebook Help Net pe toata durata Tombolei.


2. Scopul

Prezenta tombola se desfasoara in conformitate cu dispozitiile legale cuprinse in Ordonanta Guvernului nr. 99/2000 si are ca scop promovarea Farmaciilor Help Net.



3. Drepturi de participare           


3.1. La campania promotionala si la tombola poate participa, in conditiile prezentului Regulament Oficial, orice persoana fizica, romana sau straina, cu domiciliul sau resedinta in Romania, care a implinit varsta de 16 ani pana la data de 13.08.2020 inclusiv, si care accepta termenii si conditiile prezentului Regulament Oficial.

3.2. Pentru a fi eligibil a participa la Tombola si a putea castiga premiile oferite de Help Net prin tragere la sorti, Participantii trebuie sa indeplineasca urmatoarele conditii exprese, in mod cumulativ:


  1. sa fie persoane fizice cu domiciliul sau resedinta in Romania, care au implinit varsta de 16 ani pana la data de 13.08.2020,  inclusiv;
  2. sa resecte intocmai  pasii descrisi in cadrul art. 8.1.;
  3. sa nu fie angajati Help Net rudele acestora pana la gradul I inclusiv, precum si sotii/sotiile;


  1. accepta si respecta prevederile prezentului Regulament Oficial.


4. Perioada de desfasurare         


Campania publicitara si tombola se va desfasura in perioada 14.08.2020 – 20.08.2020 (inclusiv, ora 23:59), in cadrul farmaciilor Help Net. Tragerea la sorti in cadrul tombolei va avea loc in data de 21 August  2020.

Organizatorul isi rezerva dreptul prelungirii campaniei promotionale/tombolei, printr-un act aditional la prezentul Regulament.


        5. Premii tombola

Premiile ce se vor acoda pe durata Tombolei, constau in 10 premii  Perspirex:  Perspirex Comfort - 1 buc., Perspirex Original - 1 buc., Lotiune Perspirex - 1 buc.,  in valoare de  408,71 lei (TVA inclus)/premiu, valoarea totala a premiilor este de  4.087,1 lei (TVA inclus).


6. Taxe si Impozite

6.1. Orice obligatie de natura fiscala in legatura cu premiul castigat este in sarcina exclusiva a castigatorului, cu exceptia impozitului ce trebuie calculat, suportat, declarat si virat la bugetul de stat, conform prevederilor legale in vigoare (Legea nr. 571/2003 privind Codul Fiscal).

6.2. In cadrul campaniei promotionale precum si a tombolei nu este posibila acordarea contravalorii in bani a premiilor oferite sau a altor beneficii in locul premiilor.


7. Mecanism de desfasurare. Desemnare castigatori si acordare premii.

7.1 Inscrierea la Tombola se face automat pentru toti utilizatorii Facebook care au urmat toti pasii de mai jos:

  • pasul 1: Sa raspunda la intrebarea: “In ce an a fost dezvoltat produsul Perspirex?”
  • pasul 2: Sa aprecieze paginile “Farmaciile Help Net” si “Perspirex Romania” 

7.2. Tragerile la sorti vor avea loc dupa finalizarea campaniei promotionale, respectiv in data de 21.08. 2020, in vederea atribuirii celor  10 premii detaliate la art. 5. La tragerea la sorti  vor participa toate persoanele care au indeplinit toti pasii din cadrul art. 3.2.


7.3. Fiecarui participant i se va atribui un numar, extragerea efectuandu-se aleator, in mod electronic, prin intermediul site-ului, conform mecanismului de desfasurare. Pe site-ul vor fi introduse numerele atribuite persoanelor participante.

Tragerea electronica la sorti si acordarea premiilor se va efectua sub directa supraveghere a unei comisii din care vor face parte reprezentantii Help Net. Înregistrarea video va fi păstrată un termen de 48 de ore de la încheierea tombolei, în eventualitatea formulării de contestații.

7.4. In urma tragerilor la sorti se vor desemna cei 10 castigatori si cele 20 rezerve aferente. In situatia in care unul din participantii desemnat castigator nu indeplineste conditiile de validare din Regulamentul Oficial, sau a mai fost desemnat castigator in cadrul prezentei tombole, premiul acestuia va fi oferit urmatorului participant desemnat castigator ce indeplineste conditiile. Comisia de extragere va intocmi un proces verbal de desemnare a castigatorilor. Extragerea va fi efectuata de o comisie formata din 3 (trei) reprezentanti ai Organizatorului.

7.5. In termen de 7 zile de la desemnare, castigatorii vor  fi contactati prin intermediul serviciului de mesagerie  pentru a-i informa despre faptul ca au fost desemnati castigatori, precum si prin afisarea userul de Facebook al acestora, intr-un comentariu la postarea de concurs, dupa tragerea la sorti.

7.6. Organizatorul isi declina orice raspundere in situatia in care oricare dintre participantii desemnati castigatori nu raspunde la mesajele reprezentantilor Organizatorului (fiecare castigator va fi contactat prin  3 mesaje scrise prin intermediul serviciului de mesagerie Facebook pe parcursul unei singure zile)  in termenul de 7 zile sus-mentionat. In cazul in care in acest interval de timp, Organizatorul nu poate comunica cu oricare participant desemnat castigator, atunci acesta va fi declarat necastigator si va fi declarat castigator primul participant extras ca rezerva. In situatia in care niciunul dintre participantii extrasi castigatori sau rezerve nu vor putea fi contactati, se va efectua o alta tragere la sorti in vederea stabilirii castigatorului.

7.7. Dupa primirea mesajului Organizatorului castigatorii vor transmite Organizatorului un mesaj de confirmare, precum si datele sale de contact constand in: nume, prenume, numar de telefon si adresa de corespondenta la care doreste expedierea premiului; prin intermediul unui email trimis la adresa , in termen de 24 ore lucratoare de la data desemnarii sale ca si castigator.

7.8. Prin email-ul transmis Organizatorului, participantul castigator isi da acceptul pentru primirea premiului si pentru procesarea datelor cu caracter personal, sub sanctiunea neacordarii premiului catre acestea si trecerea la participantii de rezerva.

Datele cu caracter personal solicitate in cadrul comunicarii cu reprezentantul Organizatorului sunt necesare in vederea validarii participantului cat si in vederea evitarii eventualelor fraude in procesul de acordare a premiilor.

7.9. Fiecare participant declarat castigator prin tragerea la sorti are posibilitatea de a opta, in cursul convorbirii, cu privire la refuzul de a intra in posesia premiului. Refuzul exprimat in aceste conditii va fi consemnat de catre reprezentantul Organizatorului si se considera a fi irevocabil, Organizatorul declarand necastigator un asemenea participant, fiind contactat in acest sens urmatorul participant desemnat castigator, conform prevederilor art. 7.4.

7.10. Dupa validare, castigatorii vor intra in posesia premiilor in termen de cel mult 1 (una) luna de la data anuntarii acestuia. Castigatorul va primi premiul prin posta/curier, taxele fiind suportate de catre Organizator. Premiul va fi expediat prin posta/curier numai la adrese de pe teritoriul Romaniei.

Premiile se vor doar inmana doar castigatorului. Pentru a obţine Premiul, câştigătorul va prezenta Cartea de Identitate sau Paşaportul valabil, pentru verificarea identităţii acestuia/acesteia.

Situatiile in care castigatorii nu vor putea fi contactati in vederea ridicarii coletelor ce contin premiile expediate de catre Organizator, sau vor refuza sa intre in posesia acestora, atrag decaderea acestora din toate drepturile, iar premiile neridicate vor ramane la dispozitia organizatorului, fapt evidentiat intr-un proces verbal de constatare incheiat in acest sens prin grija acestuia. Castigatorii nu pot cere si nu pot obtine contravaloarea in bani a premiilor castigate.

7.11. In conformitate cu prevederile art. 41(2) din O.G. nr. 99/2000, participantilor nu le este impusa in contrapartida nici o alta cheltuiala directa sau indirecta suplimentara.


8. Forta majora si cazul fortuit

8.1. Conform legislatiei in vigoare, forta majora inseamna orice eveniment extern, imprevizibil, absolut invincibil si inevitabil iar cazul fortuit reprezinta acel eveniment care nu poate fi prevazut si nici impiedicat de cel care este tinut sa isi indeplineasca anumite obligatii in baza acestui Regulament Oficial.

8.2. Daca o situatie de forta majora sau caz fortuit implica sau intarzie total sau partial executarea Regulamentului Oficial si continuarea / punerea in aplicare a Tombolei de catre Organizator, Organizatorul va fi exonerat de raspunderea privind indeplinireaobligatiilor sale pentru perioada in care aceasta indeplinire va fi implicata sau intarziata, conform art. 1351 din Codul Civil. Organizatorul, daca invoca forta majora sau cazul fortuit, este obligat sa comunice participantilor la Tombola existenta acesteia in termen de 5 (cinci) zile lucratoare de la aparitia cazului de forta majora sau caz fortuit.


9. Litigii

9.1. Eventualele litigii aparute intre Organizator si participantii la prezenta Tombola se vor rezolva pe cale amiabila sau in cazul in care aceasta nu va fi posibila, litigiile vor fi solutionate de instantele judecatoresti competente de la sediul Organizatorului.

9.2. Orice reclamatie legata de desfasurarea Tombolei se va face in scris, in termen de 5 zile de la data la care s-a cunoscut sau trebuia sa se cunoasca evenimentul cauzator de prejudicii.


10. Informarea Participantilor conform Regulamentului UE nr. 679/2016. Protectia datelor cu caracter personal.

10.1. Fiecare Participant răspunde în mod exclusiv pentru exactitatea, acurateţea, integralitatea şi corectitudinea datelor transmise de acesta/aceasta, precum și cu privire la obținerea consimțământului persoanelor tag-uite (menționate). În cazul în care Participantul transmite date incomplete sau inexacte, Organizatorul îşi rezervă dreptul, pe toată Durata tombolei, chiar şi după încetarea acesteia, de a exclude Participantul respectiv din cadrul tombolei, chiar în stadiul livrării Premiului.

Prin parcurgerea pașilor necesari înscrierii în tombolă, conform art. 7.1, participanții își exprimă consimțământul pentru participarea la tombolă.

Prin transmiterea unui email, conform art. 7.7, care sa contina datele cu caracter personal necesare validarii, participantii înțeleg că aceasta presupune ca Organizatorul  sa inregistreze, sa organizeze, sa stocheze, sa extraga, sa consulte, sa utilizeze, sau sa proceseze in orice alt mod, in conformitate cu prevederile legale aplicabile, numele, prenumele, adresa si numarul de telefon, in scopul Tombolei si al prezentului Regulament Oficial.

10.2. Pentru participarea la tombola temeiul este reprezentat pe de-o parte de consimțământ, pe de-altă parte de obligația legală prevăzută de OPANAF nr. 48/2019.

Conform legislatiei aplicabile, Organizatorul este obligat sa faca public numele castigatorilor tragerii la sorti. Ca urmare, temeiul pentru prelucrarea referitoare la publicarea numelor participantilor desemnati castigatori, precum si a premiului acordat, în vederea publicării este reprezentat de prevederile O.G. 99/2000 art.42 (2).

Refuzul unui participant declarat castigator de a i se procesa datele personale in scopul prezentului Regulament Oficial si al Tombolei de catre Organizator si al identificarii castigatorului, indreptateste Organizatorul sa refuze acordarea premiului, participantul declarat castigator fiind astfel descalificat automat.

10.3. Datele participanților la această Tombolă vor fi stocate pe întreaga durată de desfășurare a acesteia și până la finalizarea procedurii de înmânare a premiilor către câștigători. Datele câștigătorilor vor fi păstrate pe o perioadă de 10 ani, conform prevederilor legale în vigoare.

10.4. Datele referitoare la nume, prenume, adresă de livrare și număr de telefon vor face obiectul transmiterii către societatea de curierat în vederea livrării Premiului. Durata stocării datelor cu caracter personal constând în userul de Facebook al Participanților este reprezentată de durata tombolei, iar ulterior încetării acestuia, până la o manifestare contrară de voință. Operațiunea de combinare a datelor în scopul întocmirii evidenței pentru extragere va fi una punctuală și evidența se va șterge după extragerea câștigătorului și a rezervei. În ceea ce privește datele câștigătorului, acestea vor fi stocate pentru un termen de 10 ani de la încheierea anului fiscal, având în vedere obligațiile legale ale Organizatorului în acest sens.

10.5. Organizatorul se obliga sa respecte legislatia privind protectia datelor cu caracter personal pe perioada Tombolei si ulterior. Astfel, Organizatorul se angajeaza sa pastreze confidentialitatea datelor personale ale participantilor la prezenta Tombola si sa le utilizeze conform prezentului Regulament Oficial si legislatiei in vigoare.

10.6. Conform Regulamentului UE nr. 679/2016, participantii au urmatoarele drepturi: dreptul la informare, dreptul de acces la date, dreptul la rectificarea datelor, dreptul la restrictionarea prelucrarii, dreptul la stergerea datelor, dreptul la opozitie, dreptul la portabilitate, dreptul de a nu fi suspus unei decizii individuale, dreptul de a depune o plangere la Autoritatea de Supraveghere  si dreptul de a se adresa justitiei.

Pentru exercitarea drepturilor, participanții pot transmite o  cererea scrisa a participantului, adresata Help Net Farma S.A. la adresa de mail sau  sau la adresa sediul social mentionat in preambulul Regulamentului Oficial,

In cererea formulata, participantii pot arata daca doresc ca informatiile sa le fie comunicate la o anumita adresa, care poate fi si posta electronica, sau printr-un serviciu de corespondenta care sa asigure ca predarea li se va face numai personal.


11. Raspunderea Organizatorului

Organizatorul nu isi asuma nicio responsabilitate pentru vreun eveniment care determina imposibilitatea participarii utilizatorilor Facebook sau afecteaza buna desfasurare a activitatilor descrise in prezentul Regulament Oficial, ca urmare a oricaror restrictii si / sau limitari de orice natura.


12. Regulamentul Oficial al Tombolei

12.1. Regulamentul Oficial al Tombolei este intocmit si va fi facut public conform legislatiei aplicabile, fiind accesibil in mod gratuit oricarui solicitant pe intreaga durata a Tombolei in farmaciile Help Net, pe website-ul și pe pagina de Facebook Help Net.


12.2. Prin participarea la Tombola, participantii adera in mod expres si neconditionat la prezentul Regulament Oficial si se obliga sa respecte in totalitate termenii si conditiile acestuia. Orice nerespectare a prevederilor prezentului Regulament Oficial poate conduce la descalificarea participantilor si neacordarea potentialelor premii.

12.3. Organizatorul isi rezerva dreptul de a modifica prezentul Regulament Oficial, fara drept de compensare, orice modificare fiind adusa la cunostinta publicului pe website-ul si pagina de Facebook Help Net.

12.4. Orice modificare a Regulamentului Oficial va face obiectul unui act aditional la acesta si va fi autentificat de catre notarul public. Modificarile nu vor produce efecte retroactive, ci de la data la care au fost aduse la cunostinta publicului.

12.5. Organizatorul nu isi asuma raspunderea pentru neluarea la cunostinta de catre participanti a modificarilor, cat timp acestea sunt facute publice pe website-ul si pagina de Facebook Help Net.

12.6. In cazul in care Organizatorul suspenda sau intrerupe Tombola, un anunt de suspendare, respectiv intrerupere va fi facut public pe website-ul si pagina de Facebook Help Net, cu 24 ore inainte.

12.7. Prin publicarea anuntului respectiv, Tombola va fi suspendata sau intrerupta de drept si nicio parte interesata nu va avea temei in a pretinde continuarea Tombolei sau orice fel de despagubiri cu conditia ca, in cazul in care Tombola este suspendata inainte de expirarea Duratei acesteia prevazuta in prezentul, Organizatorul va acorda premiile relevante castigatorilor desemnati pana la data de suspendare a Tombolei, in conformitate cu prezentul Regulament Oficial.








Sebastian Ring



Alina Maria Barcaru


”Perspirex Contest”


1. The organizer

1.1. The organizer of the contest - raffle named

 "Perspirex Contest " (hereafter referred to as the "Raffle") is HELP NET FARMA S.A. headquartered in Bucharest, 14 Pictor Rosenthal Street, 2nd floor, Apt. 3, room 2, District 1, correspondence address: Balotesti Commune, Balotesti Village, 4 Malul Rosu, Ilfov County, registered in the Trade Register under no. J / 40/7727/2001, sole fiscal registration code RO 14169353, subscribed and paid share capital 100.000 lei, with the bank account RO24BACX0000000735046000 opened at Unicredit Bank - Grigore Mora Branch, phone 021 / 308.25.00, fax 021 / 308.26.34, duly represented by Mr. Sebastian Ring - General Manager and Ms. Alina Maria Barcaru – Director Executiv IT (hereinafter referred to as the "Organizer" or "Help Net").

1.2. The promotional raffle is organized in accordance with the present official regulation (hereinafter referred to as the "Official Regulation"), drawn up in accordance with the provisions in the Government Ordinance no. 99/2000, as amended and supplemented, which is binding on all participants.


1.3. Raffle participation involves acceptance by the participants of the provisions of the present Official Regulation and the obligation to observe it. By participating in this raffle, the participants will be deemed to have fully complied with the provisions of the present Official Regulation.


1.4. The Official Regulation and details of the promotional campaign and raffle are available free of charge in Help Net pharmacies and on the Organizer's official website ( and on the Facebook page of Help Net for the entire duration of the Raffle.


2. Purpose

The present raffle is carried out in accordance with the legal provisions in the Government Ordinance no. 99/2000 and aims at promoting the Help Net Pharmacies.


3. Participation rights


3.1.  Any individual, Romanian or foreign, domiciled or residing in Romania who has reached the age of 16 until-13.08.2020, inclusively, and accepts the terms and conditions of the present Official Regulation can participate in the promotional campaign and raffle according to the Regulation.

3.2. To be eligible to participate in the Raffle and be eligible to win the Help Net prices as the result of the drawing, the Participants must cumulatively meet the following express conditions:


  1. to be individuals having their domicile or residence in Romania, who have reached the age of 16 until, -13.08.2020, inclusively;
  2. to respect precisely the steps described in art. 8.1.;
  3. not to be employed by Help Net, employees’ relatives up to the 1st  degree inclusive, and spouses;
  4. to accept and comply with the provisions of the present Official Regulation.


4. Period


The promotional campaign and raffle will run between14.08.2020 – 20.08.2020 (included, 23.59 hours) within the Help Net pharmacies. The drawing shall be held on 21st of August  2020.

The organizer reserves the right to extend the promotional campaign/ raffle by an addendum to the present Regulation.


5. Prizes of the raffle

P   The prizes to be granted during the Raffle, consist of

       10 prizes Perspirex: Perspirex Comfort – 1 pcs., Perspirex Original - 1 pcs.,  Perspirex Lotion - 1pcs.,  worth  408,71 lei (VAT included)/piece. Total value of the prizes 4,087.1 lei (VAT included).


- 5  6. Taxes and charges

6.1. Any tax obligation related to the winning prize is the sole responsibility of the winner except for the tax to be calculated, borne, declared and paid to the state budget, in accordance with the legal provisions in force (Law No. 571/2003 regarding the Fiscal Code.


6.2. In the promotional campaign as well as the raffle it is not possible to grant the cash value of the prizes offered or other benefits instead of the prizes.


7. Organization mechanism. Awarding the winners and prizes.

7.1 Raffle registration is automatically for all Facebook users that have followed all the steps below:

  • step1: Answer the question:" In what year was the Perspirex product developed?’’
  • step 2: To appreciate the Facebook pages: “Farmaciile Help Net” si “Perspirex Romania”

7.2. The lot draws will take place after completing the promotional campaign, namely on 21.08.2020  for awarding the 10 prizes as detailed under section 5. All the receipts related to the promotional campaign will take part in the draw. All the persons who have fulfilled the steps in art. 3.2 will participate in the drawing.

 7.3. Each participant will be assigned a number, the draw being done randomly, via the website, according to the organization mechanism. The numbers assigned to the persons will be entered on the site.


Electronic draw and awarding of prizes will be under the direct supervision of a committee consisting of Help Net representatives. The video recording will be kept for a period of 48 hours from the end of the raffle, in the event of filing appeals.


7.4. Following the draw, the 10 winners and the 20  substitutes will be decided. If one of the nominated winners fails to meet the validation conditions of the Official Regulation or the winning number has been previously nominated as the winner, the prize will be awarded to the next named winner who meets the conditions, the next draw being subject to the same extraction procedure. The Drawing Commission will draw up a minutes. The draw will be performed by a committee consisting of 3 (three) representatives of the Organizer.

7.5. Within 7 days from nomination, the winners will be contacted through the Facebook messaging service to inform them they are the nominated winners, as well as by displaying their Facebook user, in a comment on the contest post, after the draw.


7.6. The organizer disclaims any liability in case any of the nominated winners does not answer the messages of the Organizer's representatives (each winner will be contacted through 3 written messages through the Facebook messaging service during a single day), within the above mentioned 7 days. If during this time period the Organizer can not communicate with any nominated winner, then he/she will be declared as blank (non-winner) and the winner will be the first participant drawn as a substitute. If none of the winners nor substitutes can be contacted, another draw will be performed to establish the winner.



7.7. After receiving the message of the Organizer according to the winners, they will send a confirmation message to the Organizer, as well as its contact details consisting of: name, first name, telephone number and the correspondence address at which the prize is to be sent; through an email sent to the address, within 24 working hours from the date of its designation as the winner.

7.8. Through the email sent to the Organizer, the winning participant agrees to receive the prize and to process the above-mentioned personal data under the penalty of not being awarded the prize and switching to the substitute participants.

The personal data requested during the communication with the Organizer's representative are required for validating the participant and for the avoidance of possible frauds in the award process.


7.9. Each participant declared as winner by lot has the possibility to choose, during the conversation, the refusal to be awarded the prize. The refusal expressed in these conditions will be recorded by the organizer's representative and is considered irrevocable, the organizer declaring such participant as non-winner, contacting the next participant who was declared winner, according to the provisions of 7.4.


7.10. After validation, the winners will be in possession of the prizes within a maximum of one (one) month from the date of its announcement. The winner will receive the prize by post / courier, the fees being borne by the Organizer. The prize will be sent by post / courier only to addresses from Romania.

The prizes will only be handed to the winner only. In order to obtain the Prize, the winner will present the valid Identity Card or Passport, to verify his / her identity.


The situations in which the winners will not be able to be contacted in order to pick up the packages containing the prizes sent by the Organizer, or they will refuse to take possession of them, attract their decay of all rights, and the prizes not awarded will remain at the disposal of the Organizer, fact evidenced in a Minute concluded in this regard by its care. The winners cannot claim and cannot obtain the cash value of the prizes won.


7.11. In accordance with Art. 41 (2) of GO no. 99/2000, no additional direct or indirect expenses shall be imposed to the participants.



8. Force Majeure and Acts of God

8.1. According to the legislation in force, force majeure means any external, unpredictable, absolutely invincible and inevitable event, and the act of God is that event that can not be predicted nor prevented by the one who is prevented to fulfill certain obligations according to the present Official Regulation.

8.2. If a force majeure case or an act of God totally or partially involves or delays the execution of the Official Regulation and the continuation / implementation of the raffle by the Organizer, the Organizer shall be relieved of the liability for fulfilling its obligations for the period when such performance will be involved or delayed, according to art. 1351 of the Civil Code. The Organizer, if invoking by force majeure or act of God, is obliged to notify the raffle participants within 5 (five) business days from the occurrence of force majeure case or the act of God.



9. Litigation

9.1. Any disputes arising between the Organizer and the raffle participants will be amicably solved, or if it is not possible, the disputes will be settled by the competent courts of the Organizer's premises.


9.2. Any claim relating to the raffle will be made in writing within 5 days of the date when the event causing the damage was known or ought to have been known.



10. Informing Participants according to EU Regulation no. 679/2016. Personal data protection.

10.1. Each participant is responsible exclusively for transmitting exact, accurate, complete and correct data as well as for obtaining the consent of the people tagged/mentioned. In the event that the Participant submits incomplete or inaccurate data, the Organizer reserves the right, for the entire duration of the raffle, even after its termination, to exclude the respective Participant from the raffle, even at the stage of delivery of the Prize.

By taking the necessary steps to register in the raffle, according to art. 7.1, the participants express their consent to participate in the raffle.

By sending an email, according to art. 7.7., containing the personal data required for validation, participants agree to be part in the raffle. This consent include the Organizer to collect, record, organize, store, extract, consult, use, or otherwise process, in accordance with the applicable legal provisions, the name, surname, correspondence address, phone number, for the purpose of the raffle and the present Official Regulation.


10.2. The base for participating in the Raffle, the basis is represented by consent and, on the other hand, by the legal obligation provided by OPANAF no. 48/2019.


According to the applicable law, the Organizer is compelled to make public the names of the draw winners. As a result, the basis for the processing referring to the publishing of the names of the participants nominated as winners, as well as the award, is represented for publication by the provisions of GD 99/2000 art.42 (2).

The refusal of a winner participant to process his / her personal data for the purpose of this Official Regulations and of the Raffle by the Organizer and for the purpose to identify the winner, entitles the Organizer to refuse the award, the winner participant d thus being automatically disqualified.


10.3. The data of the Raffle participants will be stored throughout its duration and until the completion of the procedure for handing the prizes to the winners. The winners’ data will be kept for a period of 10 years, according to the legal provisions in force.


10.4. The data regarding the name, first name, delivery address and telephone number will be subject to transmission to the courier company for the delivery of the Prize. The duration of the storage of personal data consisting of the Facebook user of the Participants is represented by the duration of the raffle, and after its cessation, until a contrary manifestation of the will. The operation of combining the data for the purpose of drawing up the record for the draw will be one-off and the record will be deleted after the winner and the reserve have been drawn. As for the winner's data, they will be stored for a period of 10 years from the end of the fiscal year, taking into account the legal obligations of the Organizer in this regard.

10.5. The organizer undertakes to comply with the legislation regarding the protection of personal data during the Raffle period and thereafter. Thus, the Organizer undertakes to keep confidentiality of the personal data of the raffle participants and to use them in accordance with this Official Regulation and the legislation in force.

10.6. According to EU Regulation no. 679/2016, the participants have the following rights: the right to be informed, the right of access to data, the right to rectify the data, the right to restrict the processing, the right to erase the data, the right to oppose, the right not to be subject to an individual decision and the right to refer to the Surveillance Authority and the right to refer to Court.



For exercising the mentioned rights, the participants my sent a written request to Help Net Farma S.A. at the address or or to the registered office mentioned in the preamble of the Official Regulation.

In the request, the participants can express if they want the information to be communicated to a specific address, which may be e-mail, or a mail service ensuring the hand over shall be performed only personally.



11. Liability of the Organizer

The Organizer undertakes no liability for any event that causes the Facebook participation to be inaccessible or affects the proper conduct of the activities described in this Official Regulation, as a result of any restrictions and / or limitations of any nature.



12. Official Raffle Regulation

12.1. The Official Raffle Regulation is prepared and will be made public in accordance with the applicable law, being accessible free of charge for any applicant, during the entire Raffle duration, in the Help net pharmacies and at and on the Facebook page of Help Net.

12.2. By participating in the Raffle, the participants expressly and unconditionally agree with this Official Regulation and undertakes to fully comply with its terms and conditions. Any failure to comply with the provisions of the present Official Regulation may lead to the disqualification of the participants and non-award of potential prizes.

12.3. The Organizer reserves the right to amend the present Official Regulation without compensation, and any amendment shall be public on the  website and Help Net Facebook Page.


12.4. Any amendment to the Official Regulation will be the subject of an addendum and will be authenticated by the notary public. Amendments will not have retroactive effects, but from the date they were brought to the public attention.

12.5. The organizer does not undertake liability for the participants not being aware of the amendments as long as they are made public on the website and Help Net Facebook Page.


12.6. In case the Organizer suspends or interrupts the raffle, an announcement of suspension or interruption will be made public on the website and Help Net Facebook Page, 24 hours in advance.


12.7. By publishing the respective notice, the Raffle will legally be suspended or interrupted and no interested party will have any reason to claim the continuation of the Raffle or any compensation, provided that if the Raffle is suspended before the expiry of the Duration provided herein, the Organizer will award the relevant prizes to the winners nominated until the date of Raffle suspension in accordance with the present Official Regulation.








Sebastian Ring



Alina Maria Barcaru